Have you heard of a reverse bucket list? I had not until very recently and think it’s a fantastic idea. A bucket list is a list of things you want to accomplish in your lifetime. For a reverse bucket list, all you have to do is write down all the things you’ve already accomplished in your life up to this point. Then take a step back and bask in the pride of your experiences. You’ll have a feeling of great accomplishment and will be so thankful and proud. In this fast-paced world, thinking of the next thing you want to do can be overwhelming. But looking back at what you’ve done is a wonderful exercise that can boost your self-esteem and even motivate you to do more!
When I look at my life, I can say without hesitation that my proudest moment was having my two kids, Tori and Randy. They brought me such joy, laughter, and wonder as they grew up. And now that they are adults, I am beyond proud of them. They both have satisfying careers, are parents to wonderful children – oh how I adore my seven grandkids – and live their lives to the fullest.

Marrying the love of my life, Aaron, was the highlight of my life. In my book “Candy At Last,” I wrote, “forever Aaron, who is the heart and soul of who I am today.” It is so true. Being his wife was my greatest joy. He was a kind, loving and adoring husband and father. Aaron was a spectacular storyteller, entertaining millions of people around the world with his television shows and films. As his wife, I met some of Hollywood’s biggest stars, attended hundreds of parties and galas, and was so proud to be on the arm of Aaron.
Another item on my reverse bucket list was the work that Aaron and I did with Centro De Ninos, a daycare center for underprivileged families here in Los Angeles. Helping to raise funds and awareness for their good work was so gratifying and rewarding.
After Aaron passed, I decided to chronicle my life with him and wrote “Stories From Candyland,” about my experiences as his wife and fascinating times in Hollywood. My second book “Candy At Last” about my life as a single woman and trying my hand as a Broadway producer. Writing those two books was so cathartic and it was fun to share my stories.

Candy Spelling at the book signing for her new title “Stories from Candyland” held at Borders Books in the Time Warner Building New York City, USA – 06.04.09 Mandatory Credit : WENN.com
In 2012, I starred and was an executive producer of the two-part series “Selling Spelling Manor” for HGTV, which was a lot of work but so much fun!
Last but not least, is my adventure into the Big White Way. Broadway! I have been so fortunate to have been a producer for several award-winning plays starting with “Promises, Promises” in 2010. Other plays have included “The Color Purple,” “The Iceman Cometh,” “Carousel,” “Three Tall Women” and “Tootsie,” which just garnered 11 Tony Award nominations!

I highly recommend that you do your own reverse bucket list. To see all your accomplishments, big or small, is a celebration of your life and a good way to motivate you to strive for more.